In the Linux kernel, time is measured by a global variable named jiffies, which identifies the number of ticks that have occurred since the system was booted. 在Linux内核中,时间由一个名为jiffies的全局变量衡量,该变量标识系统启动以来经过的滴答数。
Repeated measure designs are designs in which the same subject is measured more than once on the dependent variable. 重复测量设计是一种对有关因变量对同一被试进行一次以上测量的设计。
In this paper, it is reported that we have first time measured the FFP, NFP and the Effective Area of single mode fibers with difference Refractive Index Profiles by the Variable Aperture Technique. 本文介绍用可变孔径法测试出各种折射率剖面结构的单模光纤的远场和近场分布,以及这些光纤的有效面积。
The design and measured results of high power variable attenuator are presented in this paper. 介绍了高功率微波可变衰减器的设计和测量结果。
The dependent variable is the main measured outcome of the experiment, hopefully due to the manipulation of the independent variable. 因变量是指实验当中主要测量的结果,期望(其变化)是由于对自变量的操控引起的。
Because the rigidity of link between the measured opto-electronic equipment and three-axis turn is very bad, the mechanism characteristic of elevation axis is variable with the position of foll axis. Variable structure control is applied to control system of elevation axis. 针对由于被测光电设备与三轴转台连接刚性差而造成的俯仰轴机械特性随滚转轴所处位置变化而变化的问题,在俯仰轴伺服控制系统的校正中采用了变结构控制方法。
Technical progress is measured as a standing alone variable by the method of improved proportion in elemental structure and the rate of growth elasticity in capital substituting for labor. 可以用要素结构进化率法和要素替代弹性法将技术进步作为一个独立变量予以测度,并放之于经济增长模型中进行分析。
Behavioral measurements were conducted through questionnaire, which was developed according to theory of reasoned action which consists of a measurement model that specifies the relation of measured to behavioral variables and a behavioral variable model to show the influence of behavior variables on each other. 以行为推理理论假设感染的行为危险模式。结构由一个测量行为变量关系的模型和一个反映行为变量彼此间关系的行为变量模型构成。
Linear fluorescence and upconversion fluorescence were simultaneously measured through solid state samples excited by two laser pulses with variable time delay. 用可变延时的双光束激光激发固态样品,同时测量样品的线性荧光和上转换荧光强度。
The electric C_V and I_V characteristics were measured at high and variable frequency, respectively. It was found that the dielectric constant k of the films increases remarkably ( from 8.14 to 11.8) with increasing Y-doping concentration. 结果表明,Y的掺入使电介质薄膜的介电常数k有了很大提高(8.14&11.8),并体现出了较好的介电特性。
Heat transfer film Coefficient of two-phase flow has been measured in a rising film evaporator with variable heat quantities and water rates. 在升膜蒸发器内,以软化水为介质测定不同加热量、不同水量的气液两相流传热膜系数,分析影响传热膜系数的诸因素及变化关系;
In the feedback control loop the liquid slag temperature at outlet of flow deflector is measured which used as primary controlled variable and the current in electrode is measured which used as secondary controlled variable. 在这个控制方案中,导流槽出口液渣温度须进行测量,并作为主被控变量,导流槽中电极的电流也须进行测量,并作为副被控变量。
Applied runs test method of statistical analysis theory, air gap value measured actually is made statistical test and decided on random variable, and its eigenvalue is gained. 运用统计分析理论中的游程检验法对实测气隙值作统计检验,判定实测气隙值为随机变量,计算其随机特征值;
With a case, it is concluded that the in-wall temperature during millisecond range heat transfer in closed-chamber can be measured, adopting soft-sensing method, selecting the slowly changing temperature as the secondary variable and using the given model and solution. 实例表明:采用软测量方法,选择变化缓慢的温度为二次变量,并利用给出的软测量模型与解法,可以实现密闭腔内毫秒级传热中内壁温度的测量。
Transmitted SHG signals were measured on a stilbazium salt LB monolayer with variable angle of incidence. 在此基础上,对一种芪盐LB膜样品进行了变入射角的透射二次谐波产生研究。
The mitral valve from 32 patients of rheumatic heart disease that underwent valve replacement was examined by light and fluorescent microscope and measured its variable size. 32例置换下之风心病二尖瓣用光镜和荧光显微镜检查及测它的不同大小。
Values of linear and rotation compensation factors versus the distances between electron source image and centers of deflectors are measured on an experimental electron beam column with variable spot shaping. 给出了用实验方法改变电子源象与偏转板几何中心的轴向距离所测得的线性补偿因子和旋转补偿因子的值。
KPCA contribution plots are proposed to isolate faulty variables. According to correlation between measured variables and nonlinear principal components, the contribution of each variable is calculated to give contribution plots. 提出了一种KPCA贡献图计算方法,根据测量变量和非线性主元的相关性,计算测量变量的贡献量绘制贡献图,用于故障变量的分离。
Permeability measured with water under reservoir condition is not a constant, but a. variable of pressure gradient. 在油藏条件下,岩心的水测渗透率不是常数,而是随压力梯度变化的参数;
The target parameters and status parameters, being measured respectively by those sensors, will be exported to the data blending centre, and the feature parameters of signals in each route will be extracted by specially designed variable template. 传感器输出各自测得的目标参数和状态参数到数据融合中心,特殊设计的可变模板抽提出各路信号的特征参数。
It was demonstrated that nuclear DNA content measured by image analysis technology is an important and objective prognostic variable for in the evaluation of the prognosis of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. 研究资料表明,图像分析技术测定细胞核的DNA含量对判断膀胱移行细胞癌病人的分级和预后有重要意义。
Analysis of peripapillary nerve fiber layer thickness measured by Scanning Laser Polarimetry with variable corneal compensation in glaucoma 变化角膜补偿器偏振光激光扫描仪对青光眼的临床观察
Specifically mentions, firstly, in Chapter ⅱ, we study parameter estimation and variable selection of partial linear sin-gle index models when the response and the covariates in the linear part are measured with errors and distorted by unknown distorting functions of one commonly observable confounding variable. 第二章我们考虑了部分线性单指标模型的参数估计与变量选择,其中响应变量与模型线性部分的协变量都不能直接观察,而是受到了单个混杂变量以及扭曲函数的污染。
This thesis made research on the optical properties of molecular. the resonance Raman spectroscopy of beta carotene and canthaxanthin was measured at different temperature with variable temperature Raman method. 本论文主要借助变温拉曼的方法测量了β胡萝卜素分子和角黄素分子在不同温度下的共振拉曼光谱。
The model consists of antecedent variables, measured variables and consequence effect variable. 该模型由地方感前因影响变量、地方感测量变量及地方感后果效应变量三部分构成。
We measured the variable parameters by XRD, positron annihilation technology etc, then we can study the solid material properties and physical mechanisms of some phenomena. 通过XRD、正电子等测量方法测量这些物理量的改变,研究固体材料的性质以及某些现象的物理机制。
We proposed to look at the sample similarity and domain of applicability of models through component spectral space and/ or measured variable space. (第九章)九、我们提出了从组分光谱空间和/或量测变量空间来看待样本间的相似度以及分析模型应用域的想法。
The plant uses inverter compressor and electric expansion valves, and macroscopic parameters can be measured under variable working conditions. Secondly, based on the structure of the rotary compressors, classification method of the running mode for the studied system is given. 其特征在于系统采用了变频压缩机和电子膨胀阀设备,且可实现多变工况时系统宏观性能参数的测量。其次,基于转子式压缩机结构特征,提出了双级压缩系统运行模式划分方法。